Emerging Market Entry and Support
GEM is uniquely qualified to help companies in High Growth Sectors enter emerging markets in Africa. With our strong network on the ground, GEM has the rare capability to acquire superior and accurate market intelligence information that is critical to the process of making the most informed decisions on whether to pursue an emerging market entry initiative. GEM only works directly with the key stakeholders and decision makers in the Public and Private sector ensuring a transparent process that is free of corruption and unnecessary and prolonged bureaucratic and intermediary hang ups. The following are some of the high value Market Entry support services that you can expect to receive when working with GEM
•Provide a highly professional and ethical approach toward doing business in Africa.
•Develop the road map and strategies for effectively navigating through the dynamics and complexities of the African market and ultimately establishing a leadership position.
•Develop a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape.
•Evaluate market potential and provide a comprehensive analysis of potential market risk and return on investment.
•Identify and qualify high value donor or investor funded growth sector government projects.
•Provide direct access and high level communication with the key stakeholders at the highest levels of Government and the Private Sector.
•Provide a clear picture of the local political landscape and any vital information that is critical to the Market Entry decision making process.
•Assistance in developing multi lateral and comprehensive financing packages to fund large scale projects and secure repayment.
•Assistance in acquiring working capital funding to support increased inventory and production costs associated with the export of goods and services to emerging nations.
•Assist in identifying and qualifying potential local partners on the ground that are vital to the success of the project.
•Provide highly specialized in country assistance to overcome any potential deal breaking obstacles.
•Assistance in developing long term Market Penetration and Business Development Strategies.
•Identify and close any gaps that may impede the project’s success.
•Facilitate the development and execution of NCND, MOU and LOI agreements between key stakeholders.
•Develop time bound and precise strategic plans to ensure flawless execution of Market Entry and Business Development strategies.
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